I love reading science fiction. It doesn’t matter if it strictly adheres to science or if it’s a romp with laser sword wielding space wizards. I read it for the stories, the ideas, the possibilities of what could be, and to get a glimpse of something truly alien. One oft-recurring theme in sci-fi is that of the hive mind. In these stories, the protagonist spends the bulk of the adventure trying to understand why attempts to interact with an alien species continually fail (“interact” usually means, “blast the alien scum into space goo”). Eventually our intrepid hero or heroine discovers the aliens operate collectively and then proceeds to have a successful interaction with the “queen” and save the day.

In the book, Ender’s Game, humanity is facing off against one such species, affectionately known as “Buggers”. Both species are able to communicate across vast distances with their respective fleets in near real-time efficacy, but the difference is in what gets communicated. In the case of the Buggers, the queen communicates to direct and control each of her drones. Humanity, on the other hand, communicates instructions, allowing each ship to determine how best to carry out those instructions.

If we were to draw similarities between the two species in Ender’s Game and programming concurrency models, we could imagine how the Buggers might represent the traditional concurrency model, while humanity would represent the actor model. In the former, shared memory is that central mind which thread and processes depend on, and which if corrupted in some way would result in serious problems for every associated thread. On the other hand, just like humanity’s starships, nothing is shared between processes in the actor model. This allows each to operate independently, without concern for affecting other processes.

Benjamin Tan Wei Hao simplifies the behavior of the actor model – used by Erlang and Elixir – in these five points:

  • Each actor is a process.
  • Each process performs a specific task.
  • To tell a process to do something, you need to send it a message. The process can reply by sending back another message.
  • The kinds of messages the process can act on are specific to the process itself. In other words, messages are pattern-matched.
  • Other than that, processes don’t share any information with other processes.

The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook

With this in mind let’s explore Elixir’s concurrency primitives.


The basic unit of concurrency in Elixir is the process. If you’re not already familiar with processes in Elixir or Erlang, they operate differently than other languages you may have experience with.

…when we talk about processes in Elixir, we are not talking about native operating-system processes. These are too slow and bulky. Instead, Elixir uses process support in Erlang. These processes will run across all your CPUs (just like native processes), but they have very little overhead.”

Programming Elixir

The BEAM accomplishes this by running in a single OS process. From there, it creates a “scheduler” for each available CPU core – each running in its own thread. It’s these schedulers which manage the creation and execution of Elixir processes.

It takes only a couple of microseconds to create a single process, and its initial memory footprint is a few kilobytes. By comparison, OS threads usually use a couple of megabytes just for the stack. Therefore you can create a large number of processes: the theoretical limit imposed by the VM is roughly 134 million!

Elixir in Action

See for yourself:

spawn(fn -> IO.puts "Hello, World!" end)
|> Process.info(:memory)

On my machine, this returns the tuple: {:memory, 2688}. 2,668 is “…the size in bytes of the process. This includes call stack, heap, and internal structures.” Erlang - process_info

Let’s look closer at creating processes.


Creating an Elixir process requires the use of spawn/1 or spawn/3. The former accepts an anonymous function as its argument (as we’ve just seen), while the latter takes a Module, function name, and a list of arguments (MFA). In both cases, spawn returns the PID (Process ID) to the calling process.

Let’s look at a couple examples. Open up IEx and type in the following:

iex > spawn(fn -> IO.puts("Hello, Alpha Centauri!") end)

You’ll see something like this output to the screen:

Hello, World!

We’ll see a similar response using spawn/3:

iex > spawn(IO, :puts, ["Hello, Alpha Centauri!"])

In both cases, Elixir spawns a new process and executes the specified function inside it, but that’s all it does. There’s no return value beside the PID; there’s no success or failure message; the child process can only perform its given task; and once started, the parent process has no idea what’s going on inside the child process (to which I can completely relate).

Thankfully, as part of the actor model, processes are able to communicate with other processes via “messages”. The receiving processes can return messages in kind or send messages to still other processes.

Sending and Receiving Messages

Sending messages to processes in Elixir is easy. All we need is the process ID (PID) and a message to send. We can try this out in IEx:

iex > send(self(), :hi)

What we’ve done here is send the message, :hi, to our current IEx session. The send/2 function returns the message we sent, but nothing else appears to have happened. Where did the message go? Did it disappear into the void? Was it sent to /dev/null? Did it “run down the curtain and [join] the bleedin’ choir invisible”? Or is it stored somewhere? The answer, as you may have guessed, is that messages are stored in the process mailbox until the process “receives” them. We can see that using Process.info/2.

iex > Process.info(self(), :messages)
{:messages, [:hi]}

To retrieve the message from the IEx process’s mailbox, we need to “receive” it, with the receive/1 macro:

iex > receive do :hi -> IO.puts "Hello." end
iex > Process.info(self(), :messages)
{:messages, []}

The receive/1 function matches against the :hi atom, and, once matched, executes the corresponding function. What do you think would happen if we tried running our receive function again?

If you were to run the receive function again, your IEx session would hang until terminated, which is why it’s a good idea to include an after clause when working with receive/1.

receive do
  :hi ->
    IO.puts "Hello!"
  0 ->
    IO.puts "Message not found"

The after clause takes a timeout value of either :infinity or an integer between 0 and 4,294,967,295 (49.7 days). Setting the value to 0 allows the receive block to return immediately, while any other value will wait that amount of milliseconds.

With the basics out of the way, let’s see how we would use spawn/3, send/2, and receive/1 together. We’ll start with a simple module to print a salutation to the screen:

defmodule Salutator do
  def run do
    receive do
      {:hi, name} ->
        IO.puts "Hi, #{name}"
      {_, name} ->
        IO.puts "Hello, #{name}"

By including a receive block, we’ve primed the Salutator module for use as a process. We just need to spawn/3 it:

iex > pid = spawn(Salutator, :run, [])

With Salutator running, we are now free to send it messages:

iex > send(pid, {:hi, "Mark"})
{:hi, "Mark"}
Hi, Mark
iex > send(pid, {:hello, "Suzie"})
{:hello, "Suzie"}

Notice that the second time we sent Salutator a message, it didn’t return the expected results. Remember, receive/1 is a normal function (well, macro). Once it’s run, it’s done. To get run/0 to receive more than one message, we’ll have to call it again. We can do that with recursion. Here’s our new module and function:

defmodule Salutator do
  def run do
    receive do
      {:hi, name} ->
        IO.puts "Hi, #{name}"
      {_, name} ->
        IO.puts "Hello, #{name}"

    run() # <- Recursion FTW!

Now we can create an unlimited number of (fairly uninteresting) salutations. What we haven’t seen is how our spawned process can communicate back to the calling process, or to any other process. We’ll look at that shortly, but first, let’s look more closely at the mailbox.

The Process Mailbox

We saw previously that messages are stored in a process’s mailbox until it’s able to receive them. But why send messages to a process’s mailbox instead of calling the function directly? According to the Elixir guide on processes, “The process that sends the message does not block on send/2, it puts the message in the recipient’s mailbox and continues.” The receiving process is then able to process messages from its mailbox according to its capacity, without needing to communicate its progress to the originating process, and without hindering the caller’s progress.

The receive expression works as follows

  1. Take the first message from the mailbox.
  2. Try to match it against any of the provided patterns, going from top to bottom.
  3. If a pattern matches the message, run the corresponding code.
  4. If no pattern matches, put the message back into the mailbox at the same position it originally occupied. Then try the next message.
  5. If there are no more messages in the queue, wait for a new one to arrive. When a new message arrives, start from step 1, inspecting the first message in the mailbox.
  6. If the after clause is specified and no message is matched in the given amount of time, run the code from the after block.

Saša Jurić, Elixir in Action

Each process has its own mailbox which is limited only by the available memory. This gives you a lot of room to play with, but it also gives you an ample amount of rope with which to shoot yourself in the foot.

Putting It All Together

So far, we’ve looked at spawning processes, sending and receiving messages in isolation, and the process mailbox. Let’s take what we’ve learned so far and build something to demonstrate how each piece can work together. What we’ll build is a tool to take a dictionary of words, group those which are anagrams of each other, and return a list of those matching three or more words. The output will look like this:

{"elmno", ["monel", "Monel", "melon", "lemon"]}
{"denopru", ["unroped", "repound", "pounder"]}
{"adegiillnntu", ["linguidental", "indulgential", "dentilingual"]}
{"aeelrs", ["sealer", "reseal", "resale", "reales", "leaser", "alerse"]}
{"aceilnp", ["pinacle", "pelican", "panicle", "capelin", "calepin"]}

The first element of the tuple is an alphabetical sorting of the anagrams letters, and the second element list of those words which are anagrams of one another.

To begin, we’ll create a process to accumulate and group anagrammatical words. Next, we’ll create a module which will read words from the dictionary, create a process for each word (235,886 words on my system, so that’s 235,886 processes) to parse and store the results in the accumulator. Here’s the accumulator:

defmodule Accumulator do
  def loop(anagrams \\ %{}) do
    receive do
      {from, {:add, {letters, word}}} ->
        anagrams = add_word(anagrams, letters, word)
        send(from, :ok)
        loop(anagrams) # must put loop/0 inside each match

      {from, :list} ->
        send(from, {:ok, list_anagrams(anagrams)})

  defp add_word(anagrams, letters, word) do
    words = Map.get(anagrams, letters, [])

    |> Map.put(letters, [word|words])

  defp list_anagrams(anagrams) do
    |> Enum.filter(fn {k, v} -> length(v) >= 3 end)

Our accumulator has two responsibilities: to add anagrams to the list and to return the list when requested. These responsibilities are laid out in the receive (lines 3-12) clause of the loop/1 function. In both cases, the Accumulator responds to the calling process via send/2 (lines 6 and 10). When adding words, it responds with :ok, while :list responds with a tuple of :ok and the list of anagrams. The private functions, add_word/3 and list_anagrams/1, do exactly what their names suggest.

We start the Accumulator by spawning it:

pid = spawn Accumulator, :loop, []

Our next module, Anagrammar, is the interface to Accumulator.

defmodule Anagrammar do
  @dictionary "/usr/share/dict/words"

  def build_list(accumulator_pid) do
    |> Enum.each(&(add_anagram(accumulator_pid, &1)))

  def get_list(accumulator_pid) do
    send(accumulator_pid, {self, :list})

    receive do
      {:ok, list} ->
        |> Enum.each(&IO.inspect/1)

  defp words do
    |> String.split("\n")

  defp add_anagram(accumulator_pid, word) do
    spawn(fn -> _add_anagram(accumulator_pid, word) end)

  defp _add_anagram(accumulator_pid, word) do
    send(accumulator_pid, {self, {:add, parse(word)}})

    receive do
      :ok -> :ok

  defp parse(word) do
    letters =
      |> String.downcase()
      |> String.split("")
      |> Enum.sort(&(&1 <= &2))
      |> Enum.join()

    {letters, word}

There’s a lot going on here, so let’s break it down piece by piece. The build_list/1 function (line 4-7) is responsible for taking the words (lines 23-26) from our system’s dictionary, parsing them (lines 40-49), and then loading them into the accumulator (lines 32-38). It does this by creating a new process for each word (lines 28-30). Note that when we send a message to our accumulator on line 33, we expect an :ok response (lines 35-37) shortly thereafter.

Getting a list is much easier; we provide get_list/1 (line 9) with the accumulator’s PID. get_list/1 then sends a message to the accumulator (line 10) and recieves the response (lines 12-16).

Let’s try it out. We already have the PID from our accumulator. All we need to do is load the dictionary and get the list:
