Testing is easy. It’s so easy, in fact, that every developer does it. Not only that, but every developer ever has been practicing TDD since they began programming. TDD, after all, is having an expectation and writing code to meet those expectations. And if that’s true, tests can amount to working in a REPL to make sure your work performs the way you expect, having a scratch file you use to test your changes against, or even building the whole application each time you make changes and observing the results. Without those expectations, how would you know what to do? And without those “tests”, how would you know if your expectations were met?
So, yes, testing is easy. What’s hard, is writing automated tests. It’s harder, because it demands you to be precise in how you define your expectations. It’s harder, because it forces you to think clearly about how all the components fit together ahead of time. It’s harder, because automated tests are easier to write when functions are small, requiring you to write more of them. It’s harder, because it “feels” slower. Then you start a refactor with automated tests and it dawns on you: it’s easier.
Getting to the point where you see that TDD is faster than your previous habits requires a fundamental shift in your understanding about development. It’s much the same as learning Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, or – as in the case of Elixir – Concurrent Programming. When you first began writing Elixir, you most likely found yourself mimicking articles, books, and videos – and probably slipping back into your last language – rather than programming from your own understanding. It’s only with time and effort that you began to learn to think in processes. Thankfully, it doesn’t take nearly the amount of work to learn how to test processes.
The first problem you’ll meet testing processes is starting and stopping
them within tests. Your initial inclination might be to start them as you would
in your application with spawn
, start_link
, or some other method, but can
you guarantee that the process in one test won’t interfere with that same
process in another? To combat that eventuallity, ExUnit comes with the
function which you should use instead of manually starting
your testable processes.
The advantage of using start_supervised! is that ExUnit will guarantee that the registry process will be shutdown before the next test starts. In other words, it helps guarantee that the state of one test is not going to interfere with the next one in case they depend on shared resources. – Elixir Guides
This is the “rundown of the life-cycle of the test process:” (ExUnit)
When you start your process using start_supervised/2
, you’ll do it in steps 2
or 3. start_supervised
then attaches your process to ExUnit’s test supervisor.
Once your test has run, ExUnit ensures the–now supervised–process is properly
shut down (step 4).
Let’s look at an example of how this might work.
Below you’ll find a basic GenServer which returns its state, an empty list
. It doesn’t need to do anything more, because we’re interested in how
works. As you can see, it has a single public function in
its API, list/0
, to return the state. It does this by sending the :list
message to the handle_call/3
defmodule Listless do
use GenServer
def start_link(_) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
def init(state) do
{:ok, state}
def list do
GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :list)
def handle_call(:list, _from, state) do
{:reply, state, state}
And here’s how we might test this.
defmodule ListlessTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "Listless.list/0 returns an empty list" do
assert Listless.list == []
In this simple test, we pass Listless
to start_supervised/2
, but it also
accepts the same arguments you would give to a Supervisor:
attempts to call start_link
with an empty list.start_supervised/2
calls start_link
with the provided
: By providing a complete child_spec
, you give the
id, name, initialization function, and arguments to initialize your process.What’s most interesting to note here is that we don’t need to stop the
process at the end of the test. ExUnit handles that for us.
Because start_supervised/2
places the process under supervision, we can test
how our processes handle unexpected exits and how they recover. In this next
test, we kill our supervised process – which is then restarted – and we’re still
able to test against it.
defmodule ListlessTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "Listless.list/0 returns an empty list" do
{:ok, pid} = start_supervised(Listless)
Process.exit(pid, :normal)
assert Listless.list == []
This is all great, but what would happen if the Listless GenServer was part the
main application supervision tree? Would the start_supervised/2
function work?
And if it did (which it won’t), would you be testing the process from the test
or the one from the main supervision tree? To that end, it’s always a good idea
to allow your GenServers to be named. You can do so like this:
defmodule Listless do
use GenServer
def start_link(arg, opts \\ []) do
name = Keyword.get(opts, :name, __MODULE__)
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, arg, name: name)
def init(state) do
{:ok, state}
def list(name \\ __MODULE__) do
GenServer.call(name, :list)
def handle_call(:list, _from, state) do
{:reply, state, state}
We’re naming the GenServer process with a provided value or defaulting to
the module name (Listless). We’ve also updated the list/0
function to accept
an optional name. With the above changes we could start Listless with a new
name like this:
Listless.start_link([], name: Unlisted)
More importantly, we can give a Supervisor.child_spec()
in our tests and
avoid conflicting with the Listless process running in our main supervision
tree. Here’s our test with the new changes:
defmodule ListlessTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "Listless.list/0" do
child_spec = %{
id: Unlisted,
start: {Listless, :start_link, [[], [name: Unlisted]]}
pid = start_supervised!(child_spec)
assert Listless.list(Unlisted) == []
# -- or -- #
assert Listless.list(pid) == []
With the changes made, we must now give more information to
, including an :id
and the :start
specification, but we
no longer need to worry about conflicts.
You don’t always need test your processes under a supervisor, because you don’t
always need to run processes to test their functions. We needed to start a
process for the Listless.list/0
test, because list/0
had no other means to
access the “state” of the GenServer. If we were to test the handle_call
function, however, would the same be true? It wouldn’t. Because `handle_call/3
accepts state as an argument, we can test it like this:
defmodule ListlessTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "Listless.handle_call/3 :: :list" do
state = [1, 2, 3]
response = Listless.handle_call(:list, nil, state)
assert {:reply, state, state} = response
As you can see, we’re providing the “state” to the function in the test, so starting the GenServer doesn’t help us do anything beyond what we’re already doing. Your tests should require as little integration as possible in order to pass. These are the only times you need to start a process for testing:
Now that we’ve seen how to start processes under supervision during tests, it’s time to turn our attention to removing them from supervision.
Going on name alone, you would think you would use stop_supervised/1
at the
end of tests to make sure processes are, well, stopped. However, we’ve already
discussed how “ExUnit ensures the–now supervised–process is properly
shut down (step 4).” If we don’t need stop_supervised/1
to stop processes,
what does it do?
You only need to use stop_supervised/1 if you want to remove a process from the supervision tree in the middle of a test, as simply shutting down the process would cause it to be restarted according to its :restart value.
- https://hexdocs.pm/ex_unit/ExUnit.Callbacks.html#start_supervised/2
From this, it’s clear that stop_supervised/1
both removes a process from the
supervision tree and causes it to exit. The question, then, is why or when would
you use this?
After looking through the code bases of Elixir, Ecto, Phoenix, Absinth, and then doing a more general search of GitHub itself, it’s clear that you almost never will. The one instance I can think of where you would use this is working with multiple processes. In this instance you may wish to test the durability of your system by being able to terminating one those processes, ensuring the remaining one behaves appropriately.
Elixir uses the Actor Model for
concurrency. Rather than sharing memory between processes, it shares nothing and
instead relies on message passing. Until now, we’ve looked at how to start and
stop processes for testing and discussed when it’s suitable to start a process
to test it. Now we can look at the tools
ExUnit provides us for testing
message passing between processes, namely assert_receive/3
These assertions are nearly identical, with the exception that
accepts an optional timeout value (it defaults to 100ms). But
it’s this timeout which distinguishes these two functions from one another, and
more specifically, when and how you should use them.
The assert_received/2
macro “[a]sserts that a message matching pattern was
received and is in the current process’ mailbox.” (ExUnit
The implication here is that the function sending the message must finish,
having either sent the correct message or failed. The way to make sure functions
send messages before we test them is for those functions to do their work
synchronously. Examples of this would be functions which call out to
or simply functions which send messages back to the
calling process.
If assert_received/2
is designed to work with synchronous functions, it stands
to reason that assert_receive/3
is best suited to asynchronous functions.
This explains why assert_received
comes equipped with a timeout argument. With
this argument the idea is that the function under test will respond with a
message at some time in the future. assert_receive/3
waits on that message for
the amount of time specified by the timeout or the default 100ms.
To show the use of assert_received/2
and assert_receive/3
, let’s
create a new – albeit useless – GenServer. It will have two externally facing
functions, sync_message/2
and async_message/2
, which send messages to the
GenServer functions, handle_call/3
and handle_cast/2
respectively. The
“handle” functions in turn send messages back to the calling process values of
either :synchronous
or :asynchronous
. Here’s our Unsyncable
defmodule Unsyncable do
use GenServer
@me __MODULE__
def start_link(arg) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, arg, name: @me)
def init(state) do
{:ok, state}
def sync_message(pid) do
GenServer.call(@me, {pid, :sync_message})
def async_message(pid) do
GenServer.cast(@me, {pid, :async_message})
def handle_call({pid, :sync_message}, _from, state) do
send pid, :synchronous
{:reply, state, state}
def handle_cast({pid, :async_message}, state) do
Process.sleep 100
send pid, :asynchronous
{:noreply, state}
Our two externally facing functions take a single argument, pid
, which our
module will use to know where to send messages. The “handle” functions both send
a message back to the calling process; handle_cast/2
doing so after waiting
100 milliseconds.
Let’s look at the tests.
defmodule UnsyncableTest do
use ExUnit.Case
doctest Useless
setup do
test "Unsyncable.sync_message/1" do
assert_received :synchronous
test "Unsyncable.async_message/1" do
assert_receive :asynchronous, 200
Because we’re testing the functions which make up the API, we need to start our
Genserver for each test. We can do that with the start_supervised!/2
we learned about earlier.
In our first test, we send the test process’s PID to Unsyncable.sync_message/1
and test that we received it. The function returns when the message is finally
sent back to the test process, and so our assertion is guaranteed to be
truthy. If we had called async_message/2
instead, our assertion would be
false, because the handle_cast/2
function wouldn’t have had been able to send
a message back quickly enough. Even without using Process.sleep/1
, the test
would have failed.
Our second test is similar to the first, with the exception that we are giving ourselves a 200 millisecond grace period to make sure our function has time to respond.
Note that unlike our first test, if we instead tested sync_message/1
, it would still pass. The question the arises: why not always
use assert_receive/3
? The answer is that our assertions should align with our
expectations. You could still use assert_receive/2
, but you should define the
timeout to be 0
to communicate your expections: that you expect the response
to by synchronous.
Since we’re testing message passing you don’t need to use either
or assert_received/2
, you could, instead, wrap an assertion
in a receive
test "Unsyncable.sync_message/1" do
receive do
:synchronous -> true
_ -> false
test "Unsyncable.async_message/1" do
receive do
:asynchronous -> true
_ -> false
200 -> false
You could do that, but don’t.
You don’t always have to do things the hard way. It’s difficult enough to program with processes in mind. It’s even harder if you’re trying to write tests first. So don’t. You know what you want to happen, so program against those expectations. Then, when you have things working, go back and write your tests to cover what you’ve done. Later, once you’re gained a process-oriented mindset, writing tests first will be easier.
Thankfully, the actor model makes it easier to think about processes, and Elixir
provides the necessary functions and macros to simplify testing those processes.
With start_supervised/2
and stop_supervised/1
we make sure our processes are
properly shut down, avoid conflicts, and give us finer control over when they
stop. The “assert” macros, assert_received/2
and assert_receive/3
, give us
simple tools to work with messages sent by processes; whether they’re sent
synchronously or asynchronously. The only “hard” thing left to do is being
consistent about writing tests, but you’re already doing that, right?