At its simplest, all of computing is moving data from one place to another. Web forms take user-submitted data and move it into a database; video games start with an initial state, receive player input, and outputs a final state; even AI, as exciting and complex as it is, just moves data around. But stripping computing down to its core doesn’t make programming – which moves data from our brain into source code – any easier. We must still wrestle with APIs, navigate documentation, track down bottlenecks, manage resources, and write efficient and maintainable code.

Why then, if we know that computing is merely moving data from one point to another, do we still find ourselves building and rebuilding systems similar to what we’ve built before? Why do we walk the same trails and tread the same paths over and over again only to rediscover the same destination? Perhaps we should expect this, after all what two problem spaces are the same? Or perhaps it’s a matter of failing to see where paths overlap?

Knowing a problem exists and knowing what the problem is are two different matters. Even discovering that a problem exists requires enough exposure to it for the pain to become unmistakable. It’s only then that a problem is identifiable and only then that you can start looking for a solution. While your first solution may be good enough to solve the problem, it may also serve to emphasize the depth of the problem and the inadequacy of your first attempt. It’s through this cycle – problem discover, identification, and solution – that led Plataformatec to develop the Broadway library for Elixir.

The Road to Broadway

Broadway is a sort of mini-framework for the GenStage library. As such, it includes functionality which developers previously had to write themselves: graceful shutdowns, batching, partitioning, acknowledgements, etc. While some of this functionality is easily implemented by novice developers, there are several which are tricky even for the most competent. Assuming, of course, the developer thinks to build it in.

One might conclude that Broadway was always part of the plan since the release of GenStage, but as we’ve already seen, it takes regular exposure to a problem to even notice one exists. For example, before GenStage existed, José’s initial idea of parallel pipelines looked like this:
|> ...
|> Stream.async()
|> ...
|> Stream.async()
|> ...
|> Stream.async()
|> ...

He and his team quickly discovered the pain point here: it pushed data to processes whether they were ready for it or not. GenStage came out of this discovery, and Flow soon followed when the team saw the need to focus on data. In the same way that Flow grew out of a focus on data, Broadway grew out of a focus “on events and on operational features, such as metrics, automatic acknowledgements, failure handling, and so on.” 1 It took José and Plataformatec 6 or 7 years to get to Broadway – one iteration at a time.


Before we see how to use Broadway, let’s look at the seven built-in features the library offers.


Broadway inherits its back-pressure feature from GenStage. In both libraries, back-pressure allows “consumers” to signal producers their availability to receive data. Producers stop sending data to a consumer when it meets its capacity, and begins sending data again once the consumer has dealt with its backlog. “[B]y relying on GenStage, we only get the amount of events necessary from upstream sources, never flooding the pipeline.”2

Automatic Acknowledgements

What happens when your pipeline runs into badly formatted or corrupted data? Does it crash? Does it silently ignore it? Or does it kick off some other set of processes to handle it? “Broadway automatically acknowledges messages at the end of the pipeline or in case of errors.”2 Once captured, Broadway enables you to choose how best to handle the errors and the data that caused them.


Anyone who’s experience N+1 issues knows the importance of batching. Working with data in volume is always faster than handling that same data one record or data point at a time “Broadway provides built-in batching, allowing you to group messages either by size and/or by time.”2

Fault Tolerance

Broadway pipelines are carefully designed to minimize data loss. Producers are isolated from the rest of the pipeline and automatically resubscribed to in case of failures. On the other hand, user callbacks are stateless, allowing us to handle any errors locally. Finally, in face of any unforeseen bug, we restart only downstream components, avoiding data loss.2

Graceful Shutdown

If you’ve worked with GenStage before, then you now the importance of draining data from the pipeline before terminating processes. You also know the difficulty in handling this well. My suspicion – and that’s all this is – is that this feature is the primary driver in creating Broadway. I suspect that it was building this feature into enough projects that drove the team to extract it out into its own project.

Built-In Testing

Working with data from external systems makes testing challenging. To that end, “Broadway ships with a built-in test API, making it easy to push test messages through the pipeline and making sure the event was properly processed.”2 By providing this, you can run Broadway pipelines in the testing process without worrying about hitting those third-party systems.


Finally, “Broadway allows developers to batch messages based on dynamic partitions.”2 That is, Broadway processes data differently based on what the data contains. If your data can have an email or a phone number, you may want to batch that data differently: data with phone numbers to an SMS process, and emails to a mass email process.

Coming soon…

If this weren’t enough, there are more features planned for Broadway. Rate-limiting, metrics, and back-off features are all planned for future releases.

A Basic Example

There are more moving parts in Broadway than what’s been advertised, so we’ll use an example project to highlight what those parts do. At its simplest, every Broadway application has two primary components: a producer and a consumer. The producer is a GenStage module which “produces” events to, while the consumer is a function which “processes” those events. For our first example, we’ll implement those two pieces, but we’ll need three modules to do it:

  • A Counter module used to provide a range of number to consumers.
  • A transformer module which transforms the data into Broadway messages.
  • A Broadway module which starts the application and houses the consumer function.

The Producer

The producer is a GenStage module. Once created, you will assign it to the “producers” section of the Broadway module which allows Broadway to handle its supervision. By keeping this module seperate, it is “isolated from the rest of the pipeline and [can be] automatically resubscribed to in case of failures.”2

Here’s our Counter producer:

defmodule MyApp.Counter do
  use GenStage

  def start_link(number) do
    GenStage.start_link(Counter, number)

  def init(counter) do
    {:producer, counter}

  def handle_demand(demand, counter) when demand > 0 do
    events = Enum.to_list(counter..counter+demand-1)

    {:noreply, events, counter + demand}

The start_link/1 function initializes the Counter module with a provided integer. It then calls the init/1 function via the GenStage.start_link/2 call, which in turn defines the GenStage module as a :producer, setting the initial state to that of the provided integer.

Next, we create the handle_demand/2 function to receive “demand” from processors along with the state. It returns a tuple of :noreply (part of the spec), the events to return to the requesting consumer, and finally it sets its state to the current count plus the demand.

In this example, if we initialized our Counter module with 10, then it received a demand of 20, it would return a list of values from 10-29, and the new state would be 30.

The Transformer

If you use one of the “official Broadway producers”, you won’t need to specify a transformer. Transformers are only needed if your producer doesn’t return a %Broadway.Message{}. Since the Counter module returns a list of integers, we need to transform those integers into %Broadway.Messages. We can do that with a simple module like this:

defmodule MyApp.CounterMessage do
  def transform(event, _opts) do
    message = %Broadway.Message{
      data: event,
      acknowledger: {__MODULE__, :ack_id, event}

  def ack(_ref, _successes, _failures) do

We’ll add this to the Broadway module in a moment, but for now it’s enough to see that the transform/2 function returns a %Broadway.Message{} with the number assigned to :data.

We’re also setting the :acknowledger to point to this module. The main Broadway module can then send successful events and failed events to the ack/3 function. It’s here that you would want to re-queue data, increment metrics, or send notifications.

The Broadway Module

With our producer created, we can turn our attention to building the main Broadway module. This module is divided into two sections: configuration and implementation. We handle configuration in the start_link/1 function, while we handle implementation in all the other functions.

defmodule MyApp do
  use Broadway

  alias Broadway.Message

  def start_link(_opts) do
      name: MyAppExample,
      producers: [
        default: [
          module: {MyApp.Counter, 0},
          transformer: {MyApp.CounterMessage, :transform, []},
          stages: 1
      processors: [
        default: [stages: 2]

  def handle_message(:default, %Message{data: data} = message, _context) do
    Process.sleep 1000

    |> IO.inspect

Looking first at start_link/1 (i.e. the configuration), we see that it in turn calls Broadway.start_link/2 which “starts a Broadway process linked to the current process.”2 We could provide it with a different module which holds our implementation details, but because we’re keeping it simple we use __MODULE__ and refer it to the current module.

Next we define the three required options: “name”, “producers”, and “processors”.

The “name” option is straightforward, this is “used for name registration. All processes/stages created will be named using this value as prefix.”2

The next option is :producers. In the future we’ll be able to define multiple producers, but for now only a single producer (named “default”) is allowed. Within this option we see another three options defined. In the first, module, we define both the producer and the starting value to use. We use the next option, transformer, to instruct Broadway to use our CounterMessage.transform/2 function for data transformations. The last option specifies how many processes should be started as producers. We only want one for the moment.

The next primary option is :processors. Like the “producers” option, only a single processor can be defined. Unlike the producers section, however, we merely assign options to the :default atom. Broadway matches the :default atom against the handle_message/3 function below. As in the :producers options, we set stages to define the number of processes used to retrieve data from the producer. The default value is System.schedulers_online() * 2 – that’s 16 processes on my machine.

The last thing in our module is the handle_message/3 function (i.e. the processor). “This is the place to do any kind of processing with the incoming message, e.g., transform the data into another data structure, call specific business logic to do calculations. Basically, any CPU bounded task that runs against a single message should be processed here.”2 For our purposes, it’s a simple function which sleeps for one second and then prints out the contents of message, and subsequently returns the message.

The output looks like this:

  acknowledger: {MyApp.CounterMessage, :ack_id, 0},
  batch_key: :default,
  batcher: :default,
  data: 0,
  metadata: %{},
  status: :ok
  acknowledger: {MyApp.CounterMessage, :ack_id, 10},
  batch_key: :default,
  batcher: :default,
  data: 10,
  metadata: %{},
  status: :ok
  acknowledger: {MyApp.CounterMessage, :ack_id, 11},
  batch_key: :default,
  batcher: :default,
  data: 11,
  metadata: %{},
  status: :ok
  acknowledger: {MyApp.CounterMessage, :ack_id, 1},
  batch_key: :default,
  batcher: :default,
  data: 1,
  metadata: %{},
  status: :ok

Notice that the data seems to bounce around a bit. This is the result of setting the stages to 2 under the :processors option. The first processor (i.e. consumer) takes the values 0-9, while the second takes 10-19.

What do you think would happen if you changed the number of producers from 1 to 2, or more? Answer: you would see the same numbers repeated twice by each processor. While using multiple stages for producers may be useful when the source data is a queue, it may end up causing a lot of headaches if you try the same thing against a database unless you keep track of what was last returned.


A Broadway Acknowledger is a behaviour “used to acknowledge that the received messages were successfully processed or failed.”3 Messages marked as “failed” do not continue to the next step in the pipeline. We can take advantage of the acknowledgement phase to handle both successes and failures. Here we can re-queue failed messages, update metrics, and notify other processes or people.

Let’s update our CounterMessage.transform/2 function by adding a validate_even/1 function to the pipeline. This function will mark odd numbers as failures using the Broadway.Message.failed/2 function, and leave even numbers alone.

defmodule MyApp.CounterMessage do
  alias Broadway.{Acknowledger, Message}

  def transform(event, _opts) do
      data: event,
      acknowledger: {__MODULE__, :ack_id, event}
    |> validate_even()

  def ack(ref, _successes, _failures) do

  defp validate_even(%Message{data: event} = message) when rem(event, 2) == 0 do

  defp validate_even(%Message{} = message) do
    Message.failed(message, :odd)

If we were to run our process again, we would see messages with an odd data value marked with a status of {:failed, :odd}. Messages with an even value continue to have an :ok status.

If you only have a producer and processor, as we do in our current example, then you will need to filter out :failed messages using matching in the function heads. However, if we were to add a “batcher” stage to our pipeline, Broadway would automatically filter out the failures for your.

As you can see in the ack/3 function above, it receives a ref (used for matching), and a list of successes and failures. It’s here where you would add logic to re-queue failed messages, update metrics, or notify.

A Batching Example

In our example we’ve been using two stages to process data. Even though each stage receives multiple messages to fulfill demand they each process those messages one at a time. For many situations, such as inserting records into a database or queuing messages to be sent en mass, it’s more efficient to do so in batches.

Adding batching to a Broadway application is like adding a processor: you first define your batchers in the start_link/1 section, then create your handle_batch/3 functions. Unlike processors, or even producers, you can have multiple batchers which you can use to partition incoming data. For example, sending domestic requests to a system to be handled immediately, while foreign requests could be stored in a database to be handled at a later date.

To see how this might work, let’s modify our current example to play Fizz Buzz.

We first need to add the appropriate batchers. Modify the start_link/1 function to look like this:

def start_link(_opts) do
    name: MyAppExample,
    producers: [
      default: [
        module: {MyApp.Counter, 0},
        transformer: {MyApp.CounterMessage, :transform, []},
        stages: 1
    processors: [
      default: [stages: 2]
    batchers: [
      default: [stages: 1, batch_size: 5],
      fizzbuzz: [stages: 1, batch_size: 5],
      fizz: [stages: 1, batch_size: 5],
      buzz: [stages: 1, batch_size: 5],

Here we’ve defined four batchers: “default”, “fizzbuzz”, “fizz”, and “buzz”. Each has one stage and has a batch size of five. Batch size means that the batcher triggers when the message count reaches that number.

Let’s modify our processor to set the batcher each message will use.

def handle_message(:default, %Message{data: data} = message, context) do
  result = fizzbuzz(data)

  |> Message.put_batcher(result)

defp fizzbuzz(data), do: _fizzbuzz(data, rem(data, 3), rem(data, 5))
defp _fizzbuzz(_data, 0, 0), do: :fizzbuzz
defp _fizzbuzz(_data, 0, _), do: :fizz
defp _fizzbuzz(_data, _, 0), do: :buzz
defp _fizzbuzz(data, _, _), do: :default

Here, after we sleep for a quarter of a second, we retrieve the result from fizzbuzzing our message data. The fizzbuzz/1 function returns an atom of :default, :fizz, :buzz, or :fizzbuzz which we use in the Message.put_batcher/1 function. With the batcher defined, Broadway then routes the messages to the appropriate batcher.

def handle_batch(:default, messages, _batch_info, _context) do
  data =, &(& |> Enum.join(", ")
  IO.inspect "Default: #{data}"

def handle_batch(:fizz, messages, _batch_info, _context) do
  data =, &(& |> Enum.join(", ")
  IO.inspect "Fizz: #{data}"

def handle_batch(:buzz, messages, _batch_info, _context) do
  data =, &(& |> Enum.join(", ")
  IO.inspect "Buzz: #{data}"

def handle_batch(:fizzbuzz, messages, _batch_info, _context) do
  data =, &(& |> Enum.join(", ")
  IO.inspect "FizzBuzz: #{data}"

The output looks like this:

"Default: 1, 2, 4, 11, 13"
"Default: 14"
"Fizz: 12, 18, 3, 6, 9"
"Default: 16, 17, 7, 8"
"Buzz: 10, 5"
"FizzBuzz: 15, 0"
"Default: 22, 23, 19, 26, 28"
"Buzz: 20, 25"
"Fizz: 21, 24, 27"
"Default: 37"
"Fizz: 36, 39, 33"
"Buzz: 35"
"FizzBuzz: 30"
"Default: 38, 41, 43, 44, 29"

You’ll notice that even though we’ve specified the batch size to 5, the function sometimes fires with a smaller batch. This is due to the :batch_timeout. “When this timeout is reached, a new batch is generated and sent downstream, no matter if the :batch_size has been reached or not.”2 If we change the timeout to 15 seconds, we’ll see results more in line with our expectations:

"Default: 1, 2, 4, 11, 13"
"Default: 14, 16, 17, 7, 8"
"Fizz: 12, 18, 3, 6, 9"
"Default: 19, 22, 23, 26, 28"
"Fizz: 21, 24, 27, 33, 36"
"Buzz: 20, 5, 10, 25, 35"
"Default: 29, 31, 32, 34, 37"
"Default: 38, 41, 43, 46, 47"
"Default: 49, 44, 52, 53, 56"
"Fizz: 39, 42, 48, 51, 54"
"Buzz: 40, 50, 55, 65, 70"
"Default: 58, 59, 61, 62, 64"
"FizzBuzz: 15, 30, 45, 60, 75"

The above example has been kept simple to help you see what each piece of the Broadway puzzle does, and enable you to get started with your own Broadway project. As your project increases in scope, I recommend looking at the source code of the BroadwayRabbitMQ and BroadwaySQS projects.

“At its simplest, all of computing is moving data from one place to another.” If only it were that simple. Even when working with consistent and clean data there are still countless considerations and limitations standing in the way of “moving data from one place to another.” Unreliable network, inaccessible servers, malicious activity, and legacy code all play havoc with your processes. As they say, “The devil is in the details,” and nowhere is this more true than in computing.

While still not as simple as just “moving data from one place to another,” Broadway does manage to lift several burdens from the developer’s shoulders: back-pressure, acknowledgements, batching, auto-restarts, graceful shutdowns, partitioning, with still more to come. Seven years ago, José’s idea was to chain Stream.async() functions together. It makes you wonder what Elixir’s data processing will look like in another seven years.