The last post I wrote, The Costs of Keeping Your Rails App Up to Date…Or Not, went over very well. It remained on the front page of Hacker News for the better part of a day, got tweeted by a number of people, and is ranking well in search.

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this sort of response, but this time I decided to find a way I could leverage my writing for my business. After some time considering possibilities, speaking with friends, and just ruminating on things, I decided to reach out to a friend who worked for O’Reilly Media. My intent for reaching out wasn’t to find an opportunity, but just to get his opinion. I knew he was a writer, and thought he might be able to provide some good perspective. As the conversation progressed, he asked if I would have an interest in writing for O’Reilly’s Programming Blog on the “Ruby Beat”. I said, “Yes”, and he made the connections. It really was about that simple

I’ve already published two articles there and ny future Ruby articles will go there as well. I’ll still be posting other things here when I get the opportunity, but it will be less frequent. You can find all my O’Reilly articles under my author’s page.