It’s not uncommon for clients to send me emails asking for the current hours worked on a project for a given month. Sometimes it’s to help them allocate resource, while other times it’s due to budget constraints, and I’m sure there are other reasons as well.

It’s never a problem to provide this information, of course, but I also recognize it as a pain point for them. In that light, I thought it might be better to give my clients the ability to check on their projects themselves. To that end, I’ve created a web application called Transparency.

All my clients have access to the application, and through it, can see the amount of time spent on each of their projects.

They can also zoom in on any given project to see the task breakdown.

There are more features I’d like to add - listing non-billable work and subcontractors’ hours come to mind - but as the project stands, it does what it’s supposed to do: it provides some Transparency to my customers.